Today we would appreciate your church considering this special request. Due to rising prices of almost everything and an increase in requests for help from the homeless, our toiletries boxes are completely empty. We would like to restock our hygiene bags but will need items to place in them. We are requesting that each church make an appeal to your congregation to collect just one type of item that will be included in the bags. These items may be regular size or personal size (hotel amenity). Let’s see how much we can collect by June 16.
The Beach Church has been requested to collect body lotion. Thank you!
UWF Explore Camps Marine Science Camp will be June 19-23 on our campus. Incoming 1st-6th graders are welcome to attend. Each day campers will participate in hands-on science and art activities. For more information and registration information you can go to uwf.edu/explorecamps.
Vacation Bible School June 26-29:
Please register your 4 yr old - 5th grade child for VBS at The Beach Church in collaboration with Upper Room! The younger levels are filling up.
Students in 6th grade or higher are welcome to volunteer!
The registration link can be found on the Beach Church homepage.
Navy Point Elementary School:
The Beach Church has a tradition of collecting toys and clothing for Christmas giving to the children of the Navy Point Elementary School (Angel Tree). This year we are supporting Navy Point School in two ways: 1: Christmas in July - donating underwear and socks for the children and school supplies to support teachers. Ron and Dale Hensley are facilitators for this piece of the project. Please contact Ron and Dale through the Beach Church email to make donations or if you have any questions. Details will provided in the next newsletter.
2: Angel Tree (previously known as Joy in the Box) The Beach Church needs a volunteer (or 2!) to oversee this project and coordinate activities with the Navy Point staff. Last year we partnered with The Reef restaurant for this project with great success. THIS IS NOT A ONE-PERSON ACTIVITY. OTHER CHURCH MEMBERS/PARTICIPANTS FROM PREVIOUS YEARS’ ANGEL TREE (JOY IN THE BOX) WILL ALSO BE AVAILABLE FOR "TECH SUPPORT". Please think prayerfully about volunteering for this assignment. It is quite rewarding. Please contact Kathy Young through the Beach Church email if you are interested in this project.
These events and other upcoming happenings can be found on our website calendar at thebeachchurch.com Click the News and Events tab to see the church calendar and our spring photo gallery!