Please join us for Sunday morning worship at 9:00am

The Beach Church is a beacon for Christ glorifying God by following Jesus' call to love God and our neighbors. Our congregation includes residents, snowbirds, and vacationers from a variety of geographical and spiritual backgrounds... so you'll fit in!

Learn More Church Calendar and Newsletters
Books for Prison Library

In January and February we are collecting books for the library at the Okaloosa County Correctional Institution.   Novels, thillers, mysteries, history, biographies, and inspirational books are all welcome!  If you have some books in good condition that you'd like to donate, bring them to the church and we'll get them to the prison!   

A New Zoom Book Group
Circle of Grace by Jan Richardson
  These 50 brief, thought- provoking and spiritually rich blessings are formed around themes of the church year dealing with issues like waiting, hoping, suffering, and celebrating. Starting January 6th, we'll meet once a month in 2025 to connect, share our reflections, and pray for one another. If you would like to be part of the group, text Bill Cutler at 203 710 2454.
The book is available at Amazon and several on-line book sellers.
Serve With Us
We believe serving is both a privilege and an act of worship. Through volunteering in our community, we grow closer to our church family and become more like Jesus as we use our God-given gifts to bless others.

You are invited to serve on the Compassionate Care Team! If you are interested in serving members of the congregation with meals, light housekeeping,  transportation, small handyman projects, yard work, visiting, etc. please email the church to sign up.

Interfaith Ministries provides financial asistance for housing and utilities, food, clothing and other emergent needs to our community's marginalized citizens. Through Good Samaritan Clinic, IM provides free medical care, free medications and free dental care. IM is supported in part by its thrift store in Gulf Breeze.

Join the Compassionate Care Team Volunteer with Interfaith Ministries
Volunteer at the Interfaith Ministries Thrift Store

 Income from the Interfaith Ministries Thrift store is used to assist people in emergency need of food and shelter and to support the work of the Good Samaritan Clinic which provides medical assistance to uninsured residents of Santa Rosa County.  Volunteers are needed to staff the store by receiving and sorting donations, pricing items, managing store inventory, and as cashiers.   You can choose your days and hours to work.   To learn more about how might help, go to Volunteer Form – Interfaith Ministries (

What should I expect at the Beach Church?

We offer a traditional Sunday morning worship service with hymns, Bible readings, a sermon, prayers, and communion on the first and third Sundays of the month, and we hope to see you there!